40 Years in Beer (Book II) Part 49: Bluegrass Brewing Co. — an ideal brewpub? Also, the Lite-Free Zone
Previously: 40 Years in Beer (Book II) Part 48: F.O.S.S.I.L.S. newsletter antics, Typo’s Brewpub, and True Beer Freedom.
Author’s note: No images this time, just words. The featured photo of beer writer Michael Jackson and brewer David Pierce was taken in the brewhouse at Bluegrass Brewing Company during Jackson’s visit to BBC in the autumn of 1994, a year after the brewpub’s founding. Of the thousands of photos in my possession, disturbingly few depict BBC, which was a favored hangout of mine during the 1990s and beyond. This paucity may seem unusual, but why would anyone bring a film camera to BBC to document an utterly anonymous Wednesday evening in April of 1996? Our present digital ubiquity of smart phones aside, the vast majority of human history has gone entirely unrecorded visually; not only that, but back at Rich O’s, staff always knew which customers were not present in the event of a landline phone caller asking for them, even when they were seated, drinking, ten feet away. We had it good, and didn’t know it.
From the vantage point of 2024, it is clear that the contemporary era of beer and brewing in the Louisville metropolitan area dates to 1992 ......Read more