40 Years in Beer (Book II), Part 58: Several thousand Delta frequent flier miles later (Euro 1995, Part I)
Barrie, George, Dickus, Bob, David, Rick and the ringleader enjoying a magnificent spread at Spaten in Munich, 1995.
Previously: 40 Years in Beer (Book II), Part 57: Beer writer Michael Jackson’s reaction to the Red Room at the Public House (1994).
As noted oft times before, my first European journey in 1985 marked a huge dividing line for me. Travel abroad changed my life, irrevocably. There is what came before the inaugural European journey, and what happened after it.
And, quite a lot happened after it, including (so far) 44 other trips to Europe, with two more coming soon. As you’ve read, subsequently I stumbled into a beer career, and the rest is packed into bankers’ boxes downstairs, awaiting my election as President so there can be the Presidential Library.
In 1995 there came a necessary shift in travel priorities. The pace of the food and beer business was escalating, requiring more of our time and making extended absences by the owners less practical.
This consideration became even more important following “A beer lover’s dream,” Susan Reigler’s review of Rich O’s Public House in the Louisville Courier-Journal on July 29. If memory serves, Amy was in Greece on one of her excursions when the transformative review...Read more