40 Years in Beer (Book II), Part 61: The Silo Microbrewery’s fatal travails, 1994 – 1997
Louisiana Jack’s at the Silo Microbrewery advertisement 1996.
Previously: 40 Years in Beer (Book II), Part 60: Those glorious Belgian beer cafes (Euro Beer Travel 1995, Part III)
Beer writer Michael Jackson’s visit to Louisville on November 19, 1994 began at Bluegrass Brewing Company and concluded at Rich O’s Public House. Between these stops, Jackson dropped by the Silo Microbrewery. A small crowd of local beer aficionados followed him from place to place, and the mood was one of unreserved euphoria.
40 Years in Beer (Book II), Part 56: Michael Jackson’s 1994 visit to Louisville — BBC, the Silo, Rich O’s
40 Years in Beer (Book II), Part 57: Beer writer Michael Jackson’s reaction to the Red Room at the Public House (1994)
Then, just five days later, Courier-Journal reporter David McGinty saw to it that our post-Jackson buzzes were considerably dampened: “The Silo Microbrewery, at 630 Barret Ave., has filed for Chapter 11 reorganization in U.S. Bankruptcy Court. The filing by the corporation that owns the microbrewery and restaurant lists about 130 creditors and says the business owes the 20 largest unsecured creditors a total of about $95,000.”
40 Years in Beer (Book II) Part 45: The Silo and Oertels, as well as a pivotal newspaper...Read more