An ongoing chronicle of what I can remember after 40 years in beer
The following post at Food & Dining Magazine is repeated verbatim from Wednesday. We’ve been having website issues, and my workspace somewhat resembles a war zone, and as I await a return to functionality, here’s a compendium of links.
I try to keep the self-aggrandizement to a bare minimum here at Hip Hops.
(brief pause for a round of beers, a bathroom break, and sustained hilarity)
This being said, and honored only in the breach, today’s post will be brief and personal. As referenced previously in this space, 2022 marks my 40th year in “the beer biz,” and to celebrate, I’ve been writing about what I can remember amid this span of time.
It has been great fun, although requiring more organization than I expected. Consequently the timeline for this series of recollections is destined to extend into 2023, but that’s okay, because my goal all along has been to produce the raw material necessary for a book. Perhaps I’ll possess the only copy, but a ......Read more