Home Food and Dining Magazine Bourbon News & Notes: Old Fashioned Week is coming, and the Cocktail...
Bourbon News & Notes: Old Fashioned Week is coming, and the Cocktail Contessa is ready
BOURBON NEWS & NOTES – 2 October, 2020, by Susan Reigler
Get Ready for Old Fashioned Week!
Heaven Hill’s Elijah Craig bourbon has teamed up with PUNCH, the online beverage magazine, to host a first annual Old Fashioned Week, October 16-25 which will raise money for the Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation. The RWCF is a national nonprofit and donations to it support direct financial assistance to restaurant employees, grants to non-profit partners, and zero-interest loans for small businesses in the food service industry.
Traditionally made with bourbon, there is a case to be made that the Old Fashioned was the first whiskey cocktail. In 1806, ......Read more