<div>Chef in a Box ( April 14 and 15): SOLD OUT Fork & Barrel, with chefs Geoffrey Heyde and Tina Dyer</div>
We learned late Friday evening that Fork & Barrel’s Chef in a Box offering for next week is sold out, marking the second time that Geoffrey Heyde’s team has run the table since APRON Inc’s popular promotion began. Today’s planned article is running here anyway as originally intended, and if this meal looks good to you, head over to Fork & Barrel and check it out.  “Chef in a Box is a great event for a great cause,” says Fork & Barrel’s executive chef and owner Geoffrey Heyde. “I am excited that with a great team we have sold out again. It’s a lot of work answering phones calls and getting this organized along with the daily restaurant responsibilities, but, when you sell out so quickly, it reassures the reasons why we are in this business. Thank you to all that continue to support our local restaurants and our service industry.” Fork &...Read more