Home Food and Dining Magazine Edibles & Potables: “Flanders to give protected heritage status to frietkots”
Edibles & Potables: “Flanders to give protected heritage status to frietkots”
We have all been here before.
Edibles & Potables: Who invented the (Francophone) fry?
Pro tip: it’s British English to call a friterie, frituur or frietkot a “chip shop.” But when you’re in Belgium, merely follow your nose and/or the trail of satisfied cone-bearing customers, and get sauced.
Last week the topic of chip shops in Flanders rendered me both hungry and fascinated, given this new proposal for protected status. But of course eateries (and watering holes) help to define the urban landscape, whether in Belgium or Clifton. Preservationism in America often gets immersed in details about cornices and window treatments. Shouldn’t this instinct be extended a bit further, into the sort of culture that fills stomachs?
Flanders to give protected heritage status to frietkots, by Liz Newmark (The Bulletin)
Flemish heritage minister Matthias Diependaele is calling on all communes in Flanders to nominate which chip stands or ‘frietkots’ should be given ......Read more