Hip Hops: Is the old-school beer bar doomed? I hope not
Shippingport Brewing, Sally Forth Taproom.
Shippingport Brewing and its Sally Forth Taproom opened last week to much acclaim in or near Portland, depending on one’s competitive feelings about Louisville geography. I believe Shippingport’s birth boosts the total of functioning breweries in metropolitan Louisville to 30, and even more if counting multiple brewing sites for the same company.
Maybe it was already past 30 before Shippingport joined the scene, but by any standard of brew system accounting, those hardscrabble days when we’d be compelled yet again to choose between beers at the Silo or Bluegrass Brewing Co. have been so comprehensively erased from the rearview mirror that they might have occurred just after FDR swept away Prohibition, not in 1993.
It’s a very good thing for us here in Louisville, quite fine, indeed; however, out in Denver, the Falling Rock Tap House (“No Crap on Tap”) closed for good on Sunday.
Falling Rock was a...Read more