Hip Hops: Tailspin Ale Fest is back; also, what about craft beer’s “growth”?
This Saturday (5 March; temperatures expected in the low 70s) Tailspin Ale Fest is back to its regularly scheduled program and location at historic Bowman Field, but if you’ve snoozed on VIP tickets, that plane’s already flown. General admission ducats are still available, and don’t even thinking waiting until the day of the show; sellouts are customary, and in any event, there’ll be no gate sales at Tailspin. Tailspin Ale Fest may or may not be your cup of Rocky Mountain Oyster Stout, but the all-things-beer bacchanal is one of the finest regional festivals of its type. Craft beer aficionados make up a passionate community, and Tailspin embodies their community values. The festival has continued to deepen, evolve and provide reliable value for its ticket prices. Louisvillians know Tisha Gainey and her crew, and they understand that Tailspin is a year-round outreach. In short, localism matters. Something else that matters is growing up....Read more