Home Food and Dining Magazine Hop Hops: Prophecies and omens from a FOSSILS homebrewing club newsletter in...
Hop Hops: Prophecies and omens from a FOSSILS homebrewing club newsletter in 1994
FOSSILS brew-in, 1995.
In September 1990, the Fermenters of Special Southern Indiana Libations Society (FOSSILS) homebrewing club was founded in New Albany. The Louisville Area Grain and Extract Research Society (LAGERS) was launched the previous year. Both remain going concerns, and yes, homebrewing is still a thing hereabouts.
In 1990, I was 30 years old and had been involved in one or the other aspect of the beer business for eight years. FOSSILS came into being at a time when the closest “microbreweries” to metropolitan Louisville were in Indianapolis (Indianapolis Brewing Company and Broad Ripple Brewpub) and Ft. Mitchell (Oldenberg). The Silo was two years away from inception, and Bluegrass Brewing Company three.
This year I’m celebrating 40 years in beer, and as time allows, digging into the files and sorting relics. Prior to 1997, few of my writings and random utterances were digitalized, but the following editorial proved salvageable, as published in...Read more