We’ve finally dried out from Saturday’s wettest Derby ever, and have plenty to talk about. Rick and Carolyn broke even with an across-the-board bet on Audible, which is, well, better than losing.
Our guest, Kent Taylor, sports director at WAVE 3, spent much of the day in the paddock, and gives us some of the insider story from that vantage point, including an explanation why highly-regarded Mendelssohn, Carolyn’s pick, struggled to finish dead last in the 20-horse field. And Kent brought along his daughter Emerson, who dazzles us with her repertoire of knock-knock jokes.
In the news, we found some stories about things that were supposed to happen by Derby Day, but didn’t. That includes the promising Barret bar spot that was the Monkey Wrench, which was supposed to be a new vegan restaurant and brewery. And then there’s the much-delayed old Lynn’s Paradise Cafe, which the Martin’s Barbecue chain finally has under construction. We also go through the list of the city’s largest breweries, and tell you about a new one under construction.
Carolyn shared a great story about meeting a Derby horse owner, the man behind Vino Rosso. Meanwhile Rick found himself drenched despite having access to covered portions of the track. It was also a big and successful week for our sponsor, Fourth Street Live!, which had patrons dancing in the street for three straight nights. They have a Farmers Market opening this week.
Join us for an engaging and appetizing show with Kent Taylor, and please tell your friends to listen. You can rate us on iTunes, and check out our web site, EatDrinkTalk.net, or our Twitter feed, #eatdrinktalklou.