Justin Brown is my preferred candidate for Floyd Circuit Court Judge
“All politics is local.”
So the legendary Boston ward heeler Tip O’Neill said, and in the main, he was right.
However, in recent years those big, pressing national issues have trickled down to infect local politics with America’s maddening “us or them” ideology, when to my way of thinking these grassroots races are about integrity and competence as they pertain to the stewardship of resources, public safety and quality of life issues.
What I’ve come here today to discuss might be viewed as political in nature, I suppose. But as a writer, one charged with knowing words and understanding concepts, it has more to do with political semantics than my flagging interest in the games our local movers and shakers insist on playing, whatever their party affiliation.
To wit: I’ve just now glanced at a sample ballot for the Floyd County election cycle on November 8.
The ballot is organized into the familiar categories of Democrat, Libertarian and Republican, save for our school boa ......Read more