Lunch service at Anoosh Bistro will end after this Friday’s midday service. According to a news release, chef and co-owner Anoosh Shariat wants to give additional focus to his dinner service while migrating some the Bistro’s lunch favorites to the menu at Noosh Nosh. That concept, also owned by Shairat and his wife, Paula Barmore, is located across the parking lot at Brownsboro Road Shopping Center. Lunch there is offered Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
During a busy November lunch at Noosh Nosh, Shariat told me he was considering the change at Anoosh Bistro, but at the time his decision wasn’t final.
“Lunch in this neighborhood is very casual, and I think people see Bistro as a bit more upscale,” he said then. Looking around the packed restaurant, he added, “Everybody’s here. There’s no one age group. And you’ll see this at the other restaurants around here. (Noosh Nosh) has become a really good lunch place, so we might just let it have that business.”
Shady Lane Café is another lunch option in the shopping center, and across the street is Panera Bread Co. Two blocks away are multiple restaurants located in and around Holiday Manor Shopping Center.