Get your flapper dress and zoot suit (just look those up on Google Images, young people) pressed for what will surely be one of the cooler themed parties for New Year’s Eve. According to a news release, Crushed Ice Events will host a Roaring New Year’s Eve party on Tuesday, Dec. 31 at The Ice Hou ......Read more
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Steve Coomes is a restaurant veteran turned award-winning food, spirits and travel writer. In his 25-year career, he has edited and written for multiple national trade and consumer publications including Nation's Restaurant News and Southern Living. He is a feature writer for Edible Louisville & The Bluegrass, Whisky Magazine, and The Bourbon Review. The author of two books, "Country Ham: A Southern Tradition of Hogs, Salt & Smoke," and the "Home Distiller's Guide to Spirits," he also serves as a ghostwriter for multiple clients.