Home Food and Dining Magazine South End beginnings: Union 15 joins the evolving lineup of eateries at...
South End beginnings: Union 15 joins the evolving lineup of eateries at Colonial Gardens
Union 15 South End opened last week at the Colonial Gardens development (816 W. Kenwood, Louisville), roughly a month after Taco Luchador became the first eatery of four projected for the revitalized space.
Union 15’s web site has the back story.
Union 15 South End was co-founded by two Southenders – Paul Blackburn who attended Holy Cross High School and Alex Tinker who attended DeSales High School. We were both born and raised in the area and couldn’t be prouder to come back to it.
We chose Colonial Gardens because of its rich history and ties to the South End. Growing up, we watched Colonial Gardens go from being a fun filled dancehall and local hangout to a downtrodden blight. We saw an opportunity to give back to the community who rais ......Read more