Taylor’s Cereal Bowl Kitchen: Ice cream and a safe space for neurodivergent children
The latest issue of Food & Dining Magazine (Winter 2022; Vol. 76; Dec/Jan/Feb) is out now and can be snagged in all the usual physical locations, as well read at issuu.  Food & Dining Magazine received a message last week from the owners of Taylor’s Cereal Bowl Kitchen (438 Spring St. in Jeffersonville), an ice cream shop “with more than just sweet treats, an environment for kids and a safe space for neurodivergent children,” seeking inclusion into our quarterly print listings. Of course, but kindly allow this confession: I work right down the street from Taylor’s, and until recently somehow missed seeing it even though I’ve driven past numerous times. So, let’s put this right and cover an opening that occurred a year ago. Taylor’s is pursuing an utterly unique mission among area sweets shops, as explained in this story by Dakota Sherek at WDRB-41. (Owner Marshall) Pence and his wife Donique’s vision goes beyond...Read more