The Cocktail Contessa: “Jungle & Mingle Your Way to 2023” in the current issue of F&D
Dry January notwithstanding, the holiday season needn’t end abruptly with the famous ball dropping in Times Square.
Concurrently, while mocktails are dandy, tippling doesn’t necessarily denote excess.
The Cocktail Contessa’s end-of-year libation creations, as documented in our most recent print edition of Food & Dining Magazine (Vol. 76; Winter 2022), can be enjoyed well into the New Year, one at a time, as you’re curled up with a good book, listening to Sonny Rollins, or piecing together the Kentucky Derby Churchill Downs poster jigsaw puzzle your aunt gave you for Christmas.
Issues of the magazine are available for pickup in the usual food and drink establishments and can be read at issuu. If you don’t know Heather, you should.
Cocktail Contessa c ......Read more