The Irish Rover receives history renewal grant
Previously at F&D:
Hip Hops: A Guinness in Sligo, or the Irish publican as “general factotum”
“I am in Aranmor, sitting over a turf fire, listening to a murmur of Gaelic that is rising from a little public-house under my room.”
― J.M. Synge, The Aran Islands
By some accounts The Irish Rover (2319 Frankfort Avenue) has been functioning as Eire’s unofficial Louisville consulate since Old Grand-Dad was in knee pants, but actually the pub was established in 1993. Something tells me we’re only a year away from a very big birthday party.
Three decades of Guinness and Scotch Eggs can take a toll on one’s physical plant, especially when occupying an older building. Accordingly, it’s great news to learn that the Rover has been chosen to receive a grant that will assist in the maintenance of its historic home.
As they say in Ireland: Sláinte!
Popular Frankfort Avenue restaurant to get piece of $1M grant funding, by...Read more