Yesterday I undertook to facilitate resolution of a few matters that have proven vexing, and while I’m usually not much for statements like the following (is it an aphorism? A secular homily?), there’s a place for everything. “Your peace is more important than driving yourself crazy to understand why something happened the way it did. Let it go.” Ages ago someone told me I was an explainer, which I took as a compliment at the time, but maybe there’s a nested barb or two in there (“mansplaining” being a bad thing these days). In the end, you can do your level best to explain something by force of cogent arguments, to be accurate about what happened, and to espouse both reality and rationality. However you cannot expect any of it will be heard or well received, or that there’ll be an epiphany in return. In short, other people are laboring under their own sets of iss ......Read more