We mourn the passing of Ron Mikulak, our friend and colleague
Ronald Joseph “Ron” Mikulak, educator, journalist and accomplished chef, died Jan. 10, 2023, at his Louisville home. He was 75. The news of Ron’s passing Tuesday came to us on Friday afternoon, and a memorial service was held yesterday at Highland Presbyterian Church in Louisville. His brother Rob offered a heartfelt eulogy at Facebook. Dear friends of Ron: It’s my profoundly sad duty to announce the death of my brother, Ron, my only sibling. Ron was equal parts my hero, mentor, guide, inspiration, chief critic, nemesis and a big pain in the ass. He was also my oldest, best and most loyal friend. We were different people with different tastes and styles but we were always loyal to each other and tolerated – often thrived – on our differences. In fact, I think our differences brought us closer together both in youth and old age. But we also shared numerous interests, concerns, likes/dislikes,...Read more